
Family Mediation

Listen. Learn. Connect.

SandwYch mediators help families:

  • Discover each person’s ability to support their loved one’s journey
  • Maximize resources
  • Create a family care agreement
  • Integrate tools that work with your lifestyle

Set Your Family Up for Success

Watching a loved one age impacts the whole family. Caring for an aging loved one often falls predominately on one person due to location, availability, finances, and many other factors. Making decisions on behalf of a loved one, requires communication and input from multiple family members. All of this adds up to potential conflict and compounds stress on family relationships.
If your family is already in conflict, we can help you. Better yet, let us guide your family through this process before conflicts arise and so that you’re a more connected and supportive family.

Family Mediation

Family mediation is the most comprehensive pathway to support your loved one.

With a SandwYch mediator your family will:

  • Learn how to honor your loved one’s care vision
  • Establish a communication plan that works for everyone
  • Customize and integrate tools that meet your family’s unique needs
  • Support each other when an emergency arises
  • Diffuse tough decisions in the most loving way

The Details

After registering, a confirmation email and questionnaire will be sent to the registrant. The questionnaire is an opportunity to identify family members participating in the mediation as well as an care assessment for your loved one.
Shortly after we receive the completed questionnaire, your SandwYch mediator will reach out to the registrant to begin the discovery calls and schedule the mediation.Money back guarantee is provided on a sliding scale before mediation.

Family mediation is the right planning strategy for you if

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You want to set your family up for success. Caregiving mixes logic, emotions and family history
Bring in a SandwYch mediator to build a family care plan that you all can support. Preserve your sanity, get aligned and create stronger relationships.

You are the primary caregiver and over time the care you provide has become more challenging and exhausting.

 Feel heard. Reset the table in your journey, and get the support you need with a new strategy.

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You have had to cut your hours or scale back your role at work in order to care for your loved one, as well as pull from your savings for some of the care costs. Now you feel financially stretched.

Have an honest conversation about the costs of caregiving and create a financial plan that everyone can get behind.

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You’re not sure how to juggle all of your time commitments, your family and your aging loved one.
Establish check-ins, build a family calendar and create a supportive plan.
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You need the support or sign off from family members to set your aging loved one up for success.
Create a safe environment with a SandwYch mediator to move forward as a family.

Still have questions about family mediation?